Friday, June 24, 2011

New York, New York!

Tonight the state senate of New York passed a bill for gay marriage. Not civil unions. Marriage.

Some say, "why such a big deal if it's a civil union or a marriage?"

In my opinion, calling the commitment of two members of the same sex 'civil unions' gives the connotations of a second-class distinctions. Straight couples get to call their union 'marriage' and the same privilege should be extended to gay couples.

When I find someone that I love and care for and want to make a commitment to for the rest of my life, I don't want a certificate saying that I have a civil union. I don't want a church service that is simply "same sex blessing." I want to get married. Does that mean I want all the fuss and frill and lace and production? Maybe, maybe not. But I want a church and a state that will acknowledge my commitment as a marriage and a service that has the appropriate wording.

The tides are slowly turning in the right direction.