Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday!

I've now been to my first official church service in Berkeley at the Church of the Good Shepherd. For you theology nerds out there, William Countryman attends there periodically and preaches from time to time.


The congregation was very very welcoming, which is great considering we're living in the house next door. The service was... well... interesting. Above all, I keep reminding myself that I need to be open minded. I've been used to an Episcopal service that is similar throughout most of the South. With the exception, of course, of the services at Camp Bratton Green.

Lots. Lots. Lots of inclusive language. I don't think the pronoun "he" was used at all, even in reference to Jesus. Which confuses me since, as not only a biblical figure but also a historical one, Jesus was man. Not woman. But that's not anything that will make me get up in arms about. I mean, for a while now I've responded with "God" where the BCP says "his" or "he"... I guess I just never considered the same kind of thing to replace the pronoun of Jesus. The service was great, though and I did enjoy it. Also, it's interesting to go to a coffee hour where EVERYONE went to and wanted to really talk to you. Not just the usual sit around and mill about kind of thing.

Still haven't begun the actual work yet. We're still settling in and making the house a home etc. etc.

Overall, I think this year will be an amazing time of challenges and learning and I'm really looking forward to it. Oh. And it'll be fun. Not all work.

Wednesday we're leaving to go to the Bishop's Ranch to discuss what our "rule of life" will be. That'll be important. However, I feel as if we're already developing it as we go along. But. It'll be good to have it all talked out.

My room is almost done and I promise I'll have pictures up soon. I'm just waiting to be completely settled in. Hoping for a small table desk so that I don't have to use the dining room table (which I am right now).

OH! For those reading, if you would like postcards/letters in the mail etc., please comment with your address ooooorrrrrrr send me a facebook message.

That. Is. It. For now.

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