Friday, September 3, 2010

So three 20-somethings walk into a house...

I officially arrived in Berkeley Wednesday night and made it to the house that I'll call home around 11:40 Pacific time. Dombos was already asleep, but Brittain was up. I was absolutely a ball of nervous energy so I quickly separated myself from conversation and went to sleep.

And so I've been in the house for a full day now and it's the morning of the second day. I figured it was time for an update.

First and foremost, the house is great. Fully furnished and stocked (with a few kitchen exceptions) and very cozy. We have a backyard that's secluded from our neighbors by a fence and lots of vines/trees. My room, having been the leftovers since I arrived last, is actually (don't tell my housemates) the best room. Here's why: I don't have a bathroom connected to my room and actually have to go into Brittain's bathroom through her bedroom or Dombos's through his room. Dombos also has the washer and dryer in his room. But all that is in my room, is my room. Nobody has any reason to tiptoe past me sleeping etc. So, actually I think that's really nice.

The three of us in the house seem to get along really well so far (and I don't say "so far" with the intention of implying that we won't get along later). We've mainly been talking about various things and trying to get to know each other.

Now, I know I've said before that the program was waiting to meet the three of us before assigning jobs. That was halfway true. True in the sense that we didn't know where we'd be working until we arrived. False in the sense that it had already been decided for us where we'd be working. And with our assignments, Brittain and Dombos both will be working with Episcopal Community Services. I, however, will be the intern for the diocesan youth program. Which I'm really excited about, mainly because of the opportunity to learn about youth programming here and be able to maybe bring some of the Mississippi youth program ideas and philosophy here.

As far as the city goes, I've done a little walking about, not much.... and I haven't seen San Francisco properly because I arrived at night. BUT, today we're going into the city (if you immediately thought of Eddie Izzard's Dress to Kill, fifty points go to you, my friend) to do paperwork at the diocesan office. Fun. Times.

Well that's an update.

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