Sunday, January 16, 2011

A whole new world...

... and I'm not quoting from Disney's Alladin (although now I have a hankerin to watch that movie)...

 ... coffee (in moderation, of course) has been allowed back into my life, which is AWESOME!

Things that are awesome that happened today:

 A. Updated Garage Band to have the computer instruments updated (I can now do loops of my guitar with piano- although I have no idea how to play piano, it's pretty much trial and error on that one)
B. Got some reading done on "How to Believe in God whether you believe in Religion or not"- a good book and I've met the author (he signed my copy) and an interesting argument.. that God is not defined as religion.
C. Played some guitar and did some video editing.
D. The snow is finally gone in Oxford, MS.. leaving behind mud, but I can deal with that.
E. Am making plans to visit people outside of Oxford, MS to maintain my positive outlook on life (watch out Atlanta, Birmingham and Sewanee- I've got my eyes set on you)
F. Dad is behaving better. Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks (this has yet to be seen for conclusive evidence)
G. It's a lazy Sunday

I think that's a pretty good list and I think I could go on. Also, I've come to the conclusion that someone has got to employ me soon because I'm spending too much time thinking- which always has gotten me in trouble. Whomp whomp.

Here I will leave you with link to my vimeo page, a sunset at Camp Bratton Green... a place that I continue to see evolving in a way that can reach young and old.. The music is Patrick Sanders, my old Youth Minister who is now a priest in Southaven (sp?) when he was making music for Kinder Melody, a group of camp musicians. And the filming and editing was done my me. Yipee for too much time on my hands. At least I'm being somewhat productive.

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